
UrbanGeo is a powerful GEO DRILLING ENERGY SOLUTION from LKAB Wassara that helps transform buildings and properties into sustainable, geo-energy systems.

What is Geo-energy?

A borehole energy storage system is a solution to harness and store surplus heat from buildings and structures, while balancing energy needs across seasons or load cycles.

This stored heat and energy is called geo-energy.

What are the benefits?

A natural battery: Seasonal storage of heat/cold in the ground (unlike just extracting energy from the ground, i.e., conventional geothermal energy).

Energy-efficient: With 1 unit of energy input, you can extract 4 units of energy in the form of heat/cold.

Hybrid solutions with renewable energy (e.g., solar panels in combination with borehole energy storage) create highly efficient and climate-neutral heating and cooling solutions

Our concept and the opportunities

Click on the tabs below to learn more about our powerful energy-solution.

Case studies

See our featured Case studies below to learn what real world UrbanGeo-projects our technology has been a part of.

  • Water-powered drilling in water-rich formation near Malmö harbour

    By drilling with Wassaras water-powered DTH hammer instead, the water in the formation was not affected at all and the delay was heavily reduced.

  • Bringing geothermal energy to office workers with deep casing drilling

    Thanks to Wassaras water-powered DTH hammer, drilling passed without incident through the different formation layers.

  • Geo-energy in the heart of Stockholm, Sweden

    In the very heart of Stockholm, a building needed heating and cooling. This project required a method that provided a safe working environment, was environmentally friendly and could drill straight holes.