LKAB Wassaras own drill bits for optimal drilling
We would like to shine a light on the importance of using drill bits adapted specifically to Water-Powered DTH drilling, as well as our own W-BIT-design for optimized drilling.

LKAB Wassaras DTH water-powered hammers, alongside our other cutting-edge drill systems, are designed to outperform alternative methods for several drilling applications.
Our drilling technology and systems are all steered towards these key benefits: Low energy consumption, good working environment, high quality straight boreholes, low noise emissions and a high rate of penetration (ROP).
In order to truly benefit from these features, a matching harmony between all the components from Drill bit to Water-Pump needs to be in place.
With technological excellence in mind, we have set the goal to continue being the best option in the market for sustainable and low environmental impact drilling.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our distributors all over the world.